Contact Us
Contact: Kent Shaw | Phone: (254) 592-3039 | Email:
Travel and Airport
Firearm & Hunting Course
We can arrange a short hunting course for those hunters who feel they are not well prepared for their hunt. We have a gun sighting-in area, where the hunters will test their rifles for accuracy with your professional hunter. We can also help with accurate shot placing and a bit of training if necessary.
Should you not have a suitable firearm, or do not want to endure the stress of travelling with one, we have firearms available for hire.
The rifle cost per day is US $25, and ammunition varies between US $2 – US $4 depending on calibre.
US citizens importing a firearm for your hunting safari, will need to obtain a document from US Customs before leaving. This gets done well before departure date. The document required is a Certificate of Registration for Personal Effects Taken Abroad, Customs Form 4457. The rifle will need to be cleared in South Africa at Custom Clearance, with Form SAP520.